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Help save the Amazon and Aboriginal communities together will make it real

The lungs of the planet in danger of death

Fires and production

Thousands of arson that occur day after day destroy approximately 100 000 km2 of jungle per year, and launch into space about 620 million tons of carbon gases (approximately 10% of all pollutants in the atmosphere). Emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane causes a concentration barrier which insulates and retains heat of the Earth causing the greenhouse, while contributing to the destruction of the ozone layer. It is estimated that if the rainforest destruction continues, in 50 years the effects of the disaster will be more than noticeable: the flora and fauna will be touched death and still can not predict the fate of the man with the air so ill.

Today are felt the effects of the disaster. The Sao Paulo State forests has eliminated 93% of its surface; La Plata Basin has lost 47 million hectares of which 43 belong to Brazil. These data becomes impressive when deforestation-floods relationship becomes. The adjoining forest areas with large rivers, according to a UNESCO report, work in the rainy season like giant sponges that soak up water and release it fall slowly, determining the flow rate increases only three per cent. When the area is deforested, increases by 97 percent and thus the floods and violent floods. As expressions of the experts, "Brazil is leaving the sea down the Rio de la Plata". They have also contributed to the disaster reservoirs that more than having completely changed the landscape of the Amazon, have flooded about 5,000 km2 of forest. Underwater homes of hundreds and thousands of species remained.

Primarily responsible for this destruction are the landowners, which destroy everything that opposes its expansionist projects: man, animal or plant. The fires ravaging central South America are unleashed at the rate of eight thousand bulbs per day, according to photographs taken by satellites. As already mentioned, these fires are made in order to obtain arable land and to graze. However, this is a terrible and useless sacrifice, since the floor of the Amazon is almost totally unproductive, is very common acid for planting; fungi that inhabit the humus layer, are completely harmless for homogeneous jungle vegetation, but they are a hopeless plague man plantations program. In fact, only three percent of this region is cultivable, the rest tropical acid soil is worthless without your tree protection. Experts say that these poor soils in humus soon become useless.

For this reason productivity of Amazonian ranching is zero: to raise one cow ten hectares are needed; that is, a production of about 40 kilos of meat per hectare per year. Lousy production, taking into account that, for example, in Argentina a bad area as the Salado produce double or triple, and west of the province of Bs. As., Seven times.

In this chart you will see more clearly how poor is the Amazon livestock, by which is paying a high price:

Amazon lungs of the world, deforestation, etc.

While this is the richest ecosystem, it is also the most fragile. The heat and humidity, permanent all year, allowing the development of a broadleaf perennial vegetation on which the greatest diversity of animal species is based; determining, at the same time, life and death happen here with a speed unknown elsewhere. Experts explain that "here everything burns quickly like no other: the organic matter that falls on the ground instead of accumulating in thick layers of black earth in promise of future harvests and the Argentine humid pampas, quickly comes to life in the form of new plants and animals. " ideal para que cuentes una historia y permitas que tus usuarios conozcan un poco más sobre ti.

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Interview with myself, is a book manuscript I wrote to discover a little more of my life, because in the great confusion of my time, but close to death, in Switzerland achieves return and resize my life and honor to and curiosity of this situation and others, devote some time to my internal research, and my thoughts .. jcss

Entrevista conmigo mismo , es un libro manuscrito que escribi para descubrir un poco mas de mi vida ,ya que en la gran confusion de mis momentos, mas cercanos a la muerte, en suiza logre retornar y redimensionar mi vida, y en honor a y curiosidad , de esa situacion y otras, dedique algun tiempo, a la investigacion de mi interno, y mis pensamientos..jcss

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